



#include<windows.h>#include<conio.h>#include<time.h>#include<string>using namespace std;/*=============== all the structures ===============*/typedef struct Frame


COORD position[2];//位置

int flag;

}Frame;//帧/*=============== all the functions ===============*/void SetPos(COORD a)// set cursor 设置光标{


SetConsoleCursorPosition(out, a);

}/* set cursor设置光标*/void SetPos(int i, int j){

COORD pos = { i, j };


}void HideCursor(){

CONSOLE_CURSOR_INFO cursor_info = { 1, 0 };

SetConsoleCursorInfo(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), &cursor_info);

}//把第y行,[x1, x2) 之间的坐标填充为 chvoid drawRow(int y, int x1, int x2, char ch){

SetPos(x1, y); for (int i = 0; i <= (x2 - x1); i++) cout << ch;

}//在a, b 纵坐标相同的前提下,把坐标 [a, b] 之间填充为 chvoid drawRow(COORD a, COORD b, char ch){ if (a.Y == b.Y)

drawRow(a.Y, a.X, b.X, ch); else


SetPos(0, 25); cout << "error code 01:无法填充行,因为两个坐标的纵坐标(x)不相等";



}//把第x列,[y1, y2] 之间的坐标填充为 chvoid drawCol(int x, int y1, int y2, char ch){ int y = y1; while (y != y2 + 1)


SetPos(x, y); cout << ch;



}//在a, b 横坐标相同的前提下,把坐标 [a, b] 之间填充为 chvoid drawCol(COORD a, COORD b, char ch){ if (a.X == b.X)

drawCol(a.X, a.Y, b.Y, ch); else


SetPos(0, 25); cout << "error code 02:无法填充列,因为两个坐标的横坐标(y)不相等";



}//左上角坐标、右下角坐标、用row填充行、用col填充列void drawFrame(COORD a, COORD b, char row, char col){

drawRow(a.Y, a.X + 1, b.X - 1, row);

drawRow(b.Y, a.X + 1, b.X - 1, row);

drawCol(a.X, a.Y + 1, b.Y - 1, col);

drawCol(b.X, a.Y + 1, b.Y - 1, col);

}//点覆盖void drawFrame(COORD a, char r){

SetPos(a.X, a.Y); cout << r;

}void drawFrame(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, char row, char col){

COORD a = { x1, y1 };

COORD b = { x2, y2 };

drawFrame(a, b, row, col);

}void drawFrame(Frame frame, char row, char col){

COORD a = frame.position[0];

COORD b = frame.position[1];

drawFrame(a, b, row, col);

}void drawPlaying(){

drawFrame(0, 0, 48, 24, '=', '|');// draw map frame;

drawFrame(49, 0, 77, 24, '-', '|');// draw output frame

SetPos(52, 6); cout << "玩家1长度:";

SetPos(52, 8); cout << "玩家2长度:";

SetPos(52, 14); cout << "操作方式:";

SetPos(52, 16); cout << " 玩家1 上下左右";

SetPos(52, 17); cout << " 玩家2 a,s,d,w";

SetPos(52, 19); cout << " p 暂停游戏。";

SetPos(52, 20); cout << " esc 退出游戏。";

}//在[a, b)之间产生一个随机整数int random(int a, int b){ int c = (rand() % (a - b)) + a; return c;

}//在两个坐标包括的矩形框内随机产生一个坐标COORD random(COORD a, COORD b){ int x = random(a.X, b.X); int y = random(a.Y, b.Y);

COORD c = { x, y }; return c;

}//判断是否撞到蛇身或者墙壁 点对点bool judgeCoordSnake(COORD spot1, COORD spot2){ if (spot1.X == spot2.X) if (spot1.Y == spot2.Y) return true; if (spot1.X == 0 || spot1.X == 48 || spot1.Y == 0 || spot1.Y == 24) return true; return false;

}//判断是否撞到蛇身或者墙壁 头对身子bool judgeCoordSnake(COORD spot1, COORD *snake1, COORD *snake2){ for (int i = 1; i < 250; i++)

{ if (spot1.X == snake1[i].X) if (spot1.Y == snake1[i].Y) return false; if (spot1.X == snake2[i].X) if (spot1.Y == snake2[i].Y) return false; if (spot1.X == 0 || spot1.X == 48 || spot1.Y == 0 || spot1.Y == 24) return false;

} return true;

}bool judgeCoordSnakeFood(COORD spot1, COORD spot2, COORD spot3,int& a){ if (spot1.X == spot2.X) if (spot1.Y == spot2.Y)


a = 0; return true;

} if (spot1.X == spot3.X) if (spot1.Y == spot3.Y)


a = 1; return true;

} return false;


void printCoord(COORD a){ cout << "( " << a.X << " , " << a.Y << " )";

}int drawMenu(){

SetPos(30, 1); cout << "贪吃的大蟒蛇";

drawRow(3, 0, 79, '-');

drawRow(5, 0, 79, '-');

SetPos(28, 4); cout << "w 和 s 选择, k 确定";

SetPos(15, 11); cout << "开始游戏";

SetPos(15, 13); cout << "结束游戏";

drawRow(20, 0, 79, '-');

drawRow(22, 0, 79, '-');

SetPos(47, 11); cout << "本游戏为双人游戏:";

SetPos(51, 13); cout << "wasd和ijkl控制";

SetPos(24, 21); cout << "制作: 威微游戏制造厂厂长 唐宇威"; int j = 11;

SetPos(12, j); cout <<"->"; while (1)

{ if (_kbhit())

{ char x = _getch(); switch (x)

{ case 'w':

{ if (j == 13)


SetPos(12, j); cout << " ";

j = 11;

SetPos(12, j); cout << "->";

SetPos(51, 13); cout << "            ";

SetPos(47, 11); cout << "准备好了吗?";

SetPos(51, 13); cout << "wasd和ijkl控制";

} break;

} case 's':

{ if (j == 11)


SetPos(12, j); cout << " ";

j = 13;

SetPos(12, j); cout << "->";

SetPos(51, 13); cout << "              ";

SetPos(47, 11); cout << "结束游戏:";

SetPos(51, 13); cout << "要走了吗?";

} break;

} case 'k':

{ if (j == 11)

return 1; else exit(0);









sndPlaySound(TEXT("bgm.wav"), SND_FILENAME|SND_ASYNC);

return 0;


*//*================== the Game Class ==================*/class Game


COORD snake1[250];

COORD snake2[250];

COORD food[2]; int length1; int length2; int direction1;//蛇1的头 1上2下3左4右

int direction2;//蛇2的头 1上2下3左4右

string title; //初始化所有

void initFood(); COORD randomFood(); //初始化其中一个

//void initThisBullet( COORD );

//void initThisEnemy( Frame );

void Playing(); void Pause(); void judgeSnake(); void GameOver(); void snake1ChangeDirection(char x); void snake2ChangeDirection(char x); void drawSnake1(int direction); void drawSnake2(int direction); void drawSnake1ToNull(); void drawSnake2ToNull(); void drawFood(); void drawFoodToNull();



direction1 = 1,direction2 = 1;

snake1[0] = { 8, 15 }, snake1[1] = { 8, 16 }, snake1[2] = { 8, 17 };

snake2[0] = { 40, 15 }, snake2[1] = { 40, 16 }, snake2[2] = { 40, 17 };

length1 = 3, length2 = 3; for (int i = 3; i < 249; i++)


snake1[i] = { 0, 0 };

snake2[i] = { 0, 0 };



};//画第一条蛇void Game::drawSnake1(int direction)

{ for (int i = 0; i<240; i++)


SetPos(snake1[i]); if (i != 0) cout << "O"; else if (i == 0)

{ if (direction==1)

{ cout << "^";

} else if(direction == 2)

{ cout << "v";

} else if (direction == 3)

{ cout << "<";

} else if (direction == 4)

{ cout << ">";




}void Game::drawSnake2(int direction)

{ for (int i = 0; i<240; i++)


SetPos(snake2[i]); if (i != 0) cout << "X"; else if (i == 0)

{ if (direction == 1)

{ cout << "^";

} else if (direction == 2)

{ cout << "v";

} else if (direction == 3)

{ cout << "<";

} else if (direction == 4)

{ cout << ">";




}//把第一条蛇消失,行动时使用,只让蛇头蛇尾消失,这样不会一闪一闪void Game::drawSnake1ToNull()


SetPos(snake1[0]); cout << " ";

SetPos(snake1[length1]); cout << " ";

}void Game::drawSnake2ToNull()

{ /*for (int i = length2; i<240; i++)



cout << " ";


SetPos(snake2[0]); cout << " ";

SetPos(snake2[length2]); cout << " ";

}//初始食物void Game::initFood()


COORD a = { 2, 2 };

COORD b = { 24,12 };

COORD c = { 25, 2 };

COORD d = { 47,14 };

food[0] = random(a, b);

food[1] = random(c, d);

}//随机食物,如果有墙需要修改。COORD Game::randomFood()


COORD food;

COORD a = { 2, 2 };

COORD b = { 47, 23 }; while (1)


food = random(a, b); if (judgeCoordSnake(food, snake1, snake2)) return food;



void Game::drawFood()




作者: freeclashnode

链接: https://www.freeclashnode.com/news/article-3349.htm

来源: FreeClashNode




