

俄国数学家鲍里斯·尼古拉耶维奇·德劳内(Boris Nikolaevich Delaunay)用两种不同的方式拼写了他的姓氏-法劳德出版社的德劳内和其他地方的德隆。很少有人拥有以他们命名的算法或概念。但是Delaunay有一个数学概念是以他姓氏的每次拼写来命名的!— Delaunay三角剖分和Delone集。似乎还不够,到1913年,他成为俄罗斯三大登山家之一!

Delaunay博士 顾问是乔治·沃罗诺伊(Georgy Voronoy),后被命名为沃罗诺伊图。还有另一个有趣的琐事-Voronoy的博士学位。顾问是安德烈·马可夫(Andrey Markov)(是的,是马可夫链的马可夫,马可夫成名)。





图2显示了在移动点时三角剖分如何变化以拾取“胖”三角形。在顶部图像中,点B和D在x = 1.5处具有x坐标,在底部图像中,它们向右移至x = 1.75。在顶部图像角度中,ABC和ABD的角度较大,而Delaunay三角剖分在B和D之间创建了一条边缘,将两个大角度分为较小的角度ABD,ADB,CDB和CBD。另一方面,在底部图像中,角度BCD太大,并且Delaunay三角剖分创建了边缘AC以划分大角度。




图3. Voronoi图


Delaunay三角剖分和Voronoi图之间的联系不止一种。乔治·沃罗诺伊(Georgy Voronoy)是鲍里斯·德劳内(Boris Delaunay)的博士学位。顾问。




vector<Point2f> points; // This is how you can add one point.  points.push_back(Point2f(x,y)); 


points = [] # This is how you can add one point.  points.append((x, y)) 



Mat img = imread("image.jpg"); Size size = img.size(); Rect rect(0, 0, size.width, size.height); 


img = cv2.imread("image.jpg"); size = img.shape rect = (0, 0, size[1], size[0]) 



Subdiv2D subdiv(rect); 


subdiv = cv2.Subdiv2D(rect); 






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C ++示例

#include <opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp> #include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp> #include <iostream> #include <fstream>   using namespace cv; using namespace std;   // Draw a single point static void draw_point( Mat& img, Point2f fp, Scalar color ) {  circle( img, fp, 2, color, CV_FILLED, CV_AA, 0 ); }   // Draw delaunay triangles static void draw_delaunay( Mat& img, Subdiv2D& subdiv, Scalar delaunay_color ) {    vector<Vec6f> triangleList;  subdiv.getTriangleList(triangleList);  vector<Point> pt(3);  Size size = img.size();  Rect rect(0,0, size.width, size.height);    for( size_t i = 0; i < triangleList.size(); i++ )  {  Vec6f t = triangleList[i];  pt[0] = Point(cvRound(t[0]), cvRound(t[1]));  pt[1] = Point(cvRound(t[2]), cvRound(t[3]));  pt[2] = Point(cvRound(t[4]), cvRound(t[5]));    // Draw rectangles completely inside the image.  if ( rect.contains(pt[0]) && rect.contains(pt[1]) && rect.contains(pt[2]))  {  line(img, pt[0], pt[1], delaunay_color, 1, CV_AA, 0);  line(img, pt[1], pt[2], delaunay_color, 1, CV_AA, 0);  line(img, pt[2], pt[0], delaunay_color, 1, CV_AA, 0);  }  } }   //Draw voronoi diagram static void draw_voronoi( Mat& img, Subdiv2D& subdiv ) {  vector<vector<Point2f> > facets;  vector<Point2f> centers;  subdiv.getVoronoiFacetList(vector<int>(), facets, centers);    vector<Point> ifacet;  vector<vector<Point> > ifacets(1);    for( size_t i = 0; i < facets.size(); i++ )  {  ifacet.resize(facets[i].size());  for( size_t j = 0; j < facets[i].size(); j++ )  ifacet[j] = facets[i][j];    Scalar color;  color[0] = rand() & 255;  color[1] = rand() & 255;  color[2] = rand() & 255;  fillConvexPoly(img, ifacet, color, 8, 0);    ifacets[0] = ifacet;  polylines(img, ifacets, true, Scalar(), 1, CV_AA, 0);  circle(img, centers[i], 3, Scalar(), CV_FILLED, CV_AA, 0);  } }     int main( int argc, char** argv) {    // Define window names  string win_delaunay = "Delaunay Triangulation";  string win_voronoi = "Voronoi Diagram";    // Turn on animation while drawing triangles  bool animate = true;    // Define colors for drawing.  Scalar delaunay_color(255,255,255), points_color(0, 0, 255);    // Read in the image.  Mat img = imread("image.jpg");    // Keep a copy around  Mat img_orig = img.clone();    // Rectangle to be used with Subdiv2D  Size size = img.size();  Rect rect(0, 0, size.width, size.height);    // Create an instance of Subdiv2D  Subdiv2D subdiv(rect);    // Create a vector of points.  vector<Point2f> points;    // Read in the points from a text file  ifstream ifs("points.txt");  int x, y;  while(ifs >> x >> y)  {  points.push_back(Point2f(x,y));  }    // Insert points into subdiv  for( vector<Point2f>::iterator it = points.begin(); it != points.end(); it++)  {  subdiv.insert(*it);  // Show animation  if (animate)  {  Mat img_copy = img_orig.clone();  // Draw delaunay triangles  draw_delaunay( img_copy, subdiv, delaunay_color );  imshow(win_delaunay, img_copy);  waitKey(100);  }    }    // Draw delaunay triangles  draw_delaunay( img, subdiv, delaunay_color );    // Draw points  for( vector<Point2f>::iterator it = points.begin(); it != points.end(); it++)  {  draw_point(img, *it, points_color);  }    // Allocate space for Voronoi Diagram  Mat img_voronoi = Mat::zeros(img.rows, img.cols, CV_8UC3);    // Draw Voronoi diagram  draw_voronoi( img_voronoi, subdiv );    // Show results.  imshow( win_delaunay, img);  imshow( win_voronoi, img_voronoi);  waitKey(0);    return 0; } 


#!/usr/bin/python   import cv2 import numpy as np import random   # Check if a point is inside a rectangle def rect_contains(rect, point) :  if point[0] < rect[0] :  return False  elif point[1] < rect[1] :  return False  elif point[0] > rect[2] :  return False  elif point[1] > rect[3] :  return False  return True   # Draw a point def draw_point(img, p, color ) :  cv2.circle( img, p, 2, color, cv2.cv.CV_FILLED, cv2.CV_AA, 0 )     # Draw delaunay triangles def draw_delaunay(img, subdiv, delaunay_color ) :    triangleList = subdiv.getTriangleList();  size = img.shape  r = (0, 0, size[1], size[0])    for t in triangleList :    pt1 = (t[0], t[1])  pt2 = (t[2], t[3])  pt3 = (t[4], t[5])    if rect_contains(r, pt1) and rect_contains(r, pt2) and rect_contains(r, pt3) :    cv2.line(img, pt1, pt2, delaunay_color, 1, cv2.CV_AA, 0)  cv2.line(img, pt2, pt3, delaunay_color, 1, cv2.CV_AA, 0)  cv2.line(img, pt3, pt1, delaunay_color, 1, cv2.CV_AA, 0)     # Draw voronoi diagram def draw_voronoi(img, subdiv) :    ( facets, centers) = subdiv.getVoronoiFacetList([])    for i in xrange(0,len(facets)) :  ifacet_arr = []  for f in facets[i] :  ifacet_arr.append(f)    ifacet = np.array(ifacet_arr, np.int)  color = (random.randint(0, 255), random.randint(0, 255), random.randint(0, 255))    cv2.fillConvexPoly(img, ifacet, color, cv2.CV_AA, 0);  ifacets = np.array([ifacet])  cv2.polylines(img, ifacets, True, (0, 0, 0), 1, cv2.CV_AA, 0)  cv2.circle(img, (centers[i][0], centers[i][1]), 3, (0, 0, 0), cv2.cv.CV_FILLED, cv2.CV_AA, 0)     if __name__ == '__main__':    # Define window names  win_delaunay = "Delaunay Triangulation"  win_voronoi = "Voronoi Diagram"    # Turn on animation while drawing triangles  animate = True    # Define colors for drawing.  delaunay_color = (255,255,255)  points_color = (0, 0, 255)    # Read in the image.  img = cv2.imread("image.jpg");    # Keep a copy around  img_orig = img.copy();    # Rectangle to be used with Subdiv2D  size = img.shape  rect = (0, 0, size[1], size[0])    # Create an instance of Subdiv2D  subdiv = cv2.Subdiv2D(rect);    # Create an array of points.  points = [];    # Read in the points from a text file  with open("points.txt") as file :  for line in file :  x, y = line.split()  points.append((int(x), int(y)))    # Insert points into subdiv  for p in points :  subdiv.insert(p)    # Show animation  if animate :  img_copy = img_orig.copy()  # Draw delaunay triangles  draw_delaunay( img_copy, subdiv, (255, 255, 255) );  cv2.imshow(win_delaunay, img_copy)  cv2.waitKey(100)    # Draw delaunay triangles  draw_delaunay( img, subdiv, (255, 255, 255) );    # Draw points  for p in points :  draw_point(img, p, (0,0,255))    # Allocate space for Voronoi Diagram  img_voronoi = np.zeros(img.shape, dtype = img.dtype)    # Draw Voronoi diagram  draw_voronoi(img_voronoi,subdiv)    # Show results  cv2.imshow(win_delaunay,img)  cv2.imshow(win_voronoi,img_voronoi)  cv2.waitKey(0) 




作者: freeclashnode

链接: https://www.freeclashnode.com/news/article-2580.htm

来源: FreeClashNode




