使役动词:Have, Get, Make, Let, Help的区别及用法


Causative Verbs: Have, Get, Make, Let, Help

Causative verbs are verbs that we use to indicate that someone or something causes something to happen.


Basic Concept of Causative Verbs


● Subject is causing the action.

● 主语引发某个动作。

● Subject does not do the action.

● 主语本身不做该动作。

● Subject controls the whole situation.

● 主语控制整个情况。


Someone is causing something to happen either by asking, convincing or paying, mostly paying.


There are two different structures depending on whether the object is a person or a thing:


have something done (not necessarily indicating who performs the action) 未指明谁做了这件事

have someone do something (making it clear who performs the action) 指明了谁做了这件事

★ I iron my shirts every week. (I do the work.)

★ 我每周都会熨衬衣。(我自己做这件事)

★ I have my shirts ironed every week. (I pay someone else to do the work.)

★ 我每周都让人给我熨衬衫。(我付钱让别人来做这件事)

★ I will have Andy repair my car.

★ 我会让安迪来给我修车。

★ I will have my car repaired.

★ 我会让人来给我修车。

★ I will have my assistant call you to reschedule the appointment.

★ 我会让我的助手给你打电话,重新安排预约时间。

★ I have my students put their homework on my desk before the lesson starts.

★ 我让学生在上课前把作业放到我的桌子上。

★ I had my son clean his room.

★ 我让我的儿子打扫他的房间。

★ My washing machine is broken; I need to have it repaired.

★ 我的洗衣机坏了;我需要让人把它修好。

★ I’m going to have my wisdom teeth removed tomorrow.

★ 我明天要去把我的智齿拔掉。

★ I’m going to have my hair cut tomorrow.

★ 我明天要去理发。

★ I get my nails done every week.

★ 我每周都做指甲。


As causative verbs, HAVE and GET can be used interchangeably. The only real difference is that HAVE is a bit more formal than GET and GET needs more persuasion than HAVE.


There are two different structures depending on whether the object is a person or a thing.


get something done

get someone to do something

less formal没那么正式 and need more persuasion需要更多的劝说

★ She got her car fixed.

★ 她让人把她的车修好了。

★ She got a mechanic to fix her car.

★ 她让一个机械师修好了她的车。

★ It didn't take much persuasion to get her to tell us where he was.

★ 没费什么口舌就让她说出了他的下落。

★ We got a lawyer to look over the contract.

★ 我们找了一位律师来审查这份合同。

★ I got Andy to come to the doctors with me.

★ 我让安迪陪我去看医生。

★ I can’t get my one-year-old son to sleep.

★ 我无法让我一岁的儿子睡觉。

★ How can we get all the employees to arrive on time?

★ 如何让所有的员工按时上班?

★ How do you get your students to listen to you?

★ 如何让学生听你的话?


force or require someone to do something 强迫或要求某人做某事 or cause something to happen 致使某事发生

make someone do something

★ The robbers made the security guard give them the code.

★ 劫匪强迫保安给了他们密码。

★ The bad weather made us alter our plans.

★ 恶劣的天气迫使我们改变了计划。

★ My superior made me work late.

★ 我的上司要求我加班。

★ My parents made me clean my room.

★ 我的父母让我打扫我的房间。

★ The movie made me cry. (cause something to happen)

★ 这部电影让我哭了。

Note: force/require someone TO DO something

★ The school requires the students to wear uniforms.

★ 学校要求学生穿制服。

★ The hijacker forced the pilots to take the plane in a different direction.

★ 劫持者强迫飞行员把飞机开往不同的方向。


permit someone to do something or allow something to happen


let someone/something do something

★ My professor let us use our phones during the test.

★ 教授允许我们在考试期间用手机。

★ My boss let me leave work early.

★ 我的老板让我提前下班。

★ Cathy’s father won’t let her adopt a puppy because she’s allergic to dogs.

★ 凯西的父亲不让她养小狗,因为她对狗过敏。

★ I don’t let my kids watch violent movies.

★ 我不允许我的孩子看暴力电影。

★ Don’t let the advertising expenses surpass $1,000.

★ 不要让广告费超过1,000美元。

★ When you open a bottle of wine, let it breathe for 30 minutes before drinking.

★ 打开一瓶葡萄酒,先让它醒30分钟,然后再喝。

Note: ALLOW and PERMIT are more formal ways to say LET.


The structure: allow/permit someone to do something

★ I don’t allow my kids to watch violent movies.

★ 我不允许我的孩子看暴力电影。

★ Cathy’s father won’t permit her to adopt a puppy because she’s allergic to dogs.

★ 凯西的父亲不让她养小狗,因为她对狗过敏。


assist someone in doing something


help someone do something (more frequently used使用频率更高)

help someone to do something

★ Music helps me (to) fall asleep.

★ 音乐有助我入眠。

★ Reading before bed helps me (to) relax.

★ 睡前阅读有助我放松。

★ Andy helped his friend (to) move house.

★ 安迪帮助他的朋友搬家。

★ My husband always helps me do the dishes.

★ 我丈夫总是帮我洗碗。

★ My rich experience helped me get the promotion.

★ 我丰富的经验帮我获得了晋升。

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作者: freeclashnode

链接: https://www.freeclashnode.com/news/article-2353.htm

来源: FreeClashNode




